the LIEBSTER award!

Well this is kinda of fun. I was checking blog comments this morning and saw a note from Samantha at Designer in Teal that she nominated me for a Liebster Award!
 What is that, you ask? (I did.)

The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. The meaning: Liebster is German for sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, pleasant, valued, cute and endearing.

So, thanks lady! I'll take that compliment any day :)

The rules:
  1. Post 11 Random things about yourself
  2. Answer the questions that the nominator sets for you
  3. Create 11 questions for the people that you nominate
  4. Create 11 blogs that you love (also with 200 or less followers). Link them to your post and let them know they have been nominated
  5. No tag backs!
11 Random things about me:
  1. I published my first book when I was in 2nd grade. It was called "How the Fox Got It's Tail." I published my second book when I was 25. I was the co-author on a book called "Career Building: Your Total Handbook for Finding a Job and Making it Work." I hope to publish a third book in the near future. And then a fourth, get the picture.
  2. I'm terrified of heights. As in, I went repelling once and cried the whole time. As in, my knees get weak just looking over the edge of a tall building, no matter how high the railing. 
  3. My second fear is death, not as much my own as my loved ones.
  4. Writing is my greatest passion and my greatest insecurity. What do you do if you're bad at the one thing you love the most?
  5. I started dating my husband in high school. I was 16 and he was 18. Twelve years later, a couple of breakups, and two stints leaving across the ocean...we're married. He's the love of my life.
  6. I can't watch other people spit their toothpaste in the sink when they're done brushing. I gag.
  7. I've had a series of strange health issues, one of which almost killed me. One included seizures, blood infections and encephalitis, which lead to a coma. The other included a blood clot, which was caused by an extra rib I had under my clavicle, which was surgically removed. 
  8. In elementary school, I left an obscene message for my dentist. I was being harassed by a kid at school, and I hadn't told anyone, so I picked a number from the "Emergency List" on the fridge, and repeated everything this boy had ever told me.
  9. Two of my best decisions ever include attending the University of Kansas and studying abroad in Spain for five months.I saw things, visited places and met people I never would have otherwise. I learned so much about myself and learned some hard lessons, but all of them have shaped me for the better.
  10. My parents were high school sweethearts. My sister married her high school sweetheart. I married my high school sweetheart. Although my parents got divorced when I was 14, my dad is now married to my brother in law's mother. One big happy family!
Questions from Samantha:
  1. Where is the coolest place you've ever visited/vacationed? I've been blessed in my travels. I've been to Europe, Hawaii, several islands in Caribbean, Mexico and more. I think the I would say that Spain was among the most amazing because I lived and breathed the culture. It was truly amazing.
  2. What is your favorite meal? Dad's homemade spaghetti. It's our traditional Christmas Eve meal. Store bought noodles, but the sauce is homemade. Dad spends all day cooking it and we enjoy it with Caesar salad and garlic bread. Mmmm.
  3. What season do you enjoy most and why? Fall! Perfect weather, it's football season, it's my birthday, leaves are turning, sweaters and boots...perfection.
  4. What is the best gift you have ever received? My engagement ring. It was a "birthday gift" and it made my year. 
  5. Do you prefer coffee, tea or neither? Coffee! It actually took me a long time to even try coffee, but now I enjoy a hazelnut latte nearly every day.
  6. Are you an early bird or a night owl? Weirdly, not really either. When I was engaged, I got up at 5:00 am everyday to work out. Now, anything before 7 am is a struggle. At the same time, I'm could fall asleep by 9pm every night, but usualy don't end up going to bed until midnight. So..long answer short. Night owl.
  7. What was your favorite subject in grade school? Language arts, for obvious reasons.
  8. How did you come up with your blog name and style? I like alliteration, so it worked with my name (Rachel). And, while my blog doesn't really have a "theme" in terms of content, almost everything can be classified as a rant, rave or revelations. Basically, here are my likes, dislikes and everything in between. For my design, I worked closely with the wonderful {av}.
  9. Cat person or dog person? DOG person. Go read about Addy.
  10. What does an ideal weekend look like for you? Friday night: Happy hour with co-workers, followed by date night with the hubs. Or, just staying home with the hubs on Friday, unwinding from the week. Saturday, do some errands, go out with friends at night and Sunday - be lazy! Or, get drunk. Typically, it's the former.
  11. If you could live in any other era, what would it be? I'd love to live during the 80s as an adult. I was born in '83, so my memories are probably different from those of my parents, but I think it'd be pretty rad.
The 11 super-cute blogs that I nominate:

  1. Little Bit of Class Little Bit of Sass
  2. Forever  After Undecided
  3. A Girl Named Gay
  4. 25 in My 25th
  5. Blue Dog Belle
  6. Loveee, Sarah
  7. Probably Polka Dots
  8. Cookies for Breakfast
  9. XOXO, Me
  10. Mama Said There'd Be Day Like This
  11. Passion, Pink and Pearls
Questions for the Nominees:
  1. What is your favorite TV show?
  2. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  4. Why did you start your blog?
  5. What is your biggest fear?
  6. Tell us about your worst date.
  7. Beer, wine or liquor? What kind and why?
  8. What would you do if you won the lottery?
  9. What's the best compliment you've ever received?
  10. Favorite book?
  11. When you're on vacation, do you prefer relaxing or adventure?
Can't wait to see what happens!

Go link up and make some friends!


  1. It was fun learning more about you :)

  2. Yay! You totally deserve this award :) I love following your blog! I'd love for you to follow back via GFC and if you are interested we could swap buttons too!!

  3. Congratulations! I wish I could say that I've traveled around the world like you! Thanks for thinking of my blog too :)

  4. How fun! Thanks for the nomination! I'll definitely do this!!

    PS your facts are so interesting!

  5. Hey! I just started following you via the Friends to Followers Blog Hop! I'd Love for you to check out my blog and follow me back!!



  6. Thanks for the nomination sister!I will have to find some peace and quiet for this one!

  7. Ahhh how fun! Glad I found ur blog- and FYI I am going to owe u big time after I make that goat cheese w pistachios and cranberries, looks amazing! Thanks for the nomination!


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