D is for Decorating

Hi peeps, and happy Monday! (Is that an oxymoron?)

Today I was a guest blogger for Krista over on Nineteen 93. She came up with a super-cute twist on guest blogs and linking up: It's called 25 Letters of Christma!

Each day this month, a different blogger will cover one letter of the alphabet that has to do with the upcoming holidays.

Today was my day: D is for Decorating the Tree!

Head on over to Krista's link-up and check out my post: http://www.estnineteen93.com/2012/12/25-letters-decorating-for-holidays.html 

Here's a couple of pics to give you a little taste!

 Ornament goodness.

Doggies, stockings and me!

 The final product!

Have you decorated for the holidays yet?

1 comment:

  1. So many pretty decorations! I love the glittery purple and pink ones!



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