Does Anyone Know Ellen?

First of all, Happy Tuesday Thursday. I'm super pumped tomorrow is Wednesday Friday.

Second of all, I'm serious—I need someone with connections right now.

On Saturday, I was getting ready to jump on the treadmill when my phone rang. The number was from Los Angeles area; I figured they would leave a message.

My hour on the machine of death concluded. There was no message to listen to. Wrong number, or just another person trying to get money from me.

I continued my day, heading to Trader Joe's, aka heaven, buying stuff for our Friendsgiving the next day. As I was leaving the store, I looked at my phone to see another missed call from the same number. Again, no message.

Worried, I called the number back. I had begun to worry that something had happened to my friend Ashley, and it was a hospital or her boyfriend trying to get a hold of me.

The recording I got said "You have a reached a non-working number at Warner Brother Studios. Thank you."

What the ?

So, let me get this straight: I have two missed calls from this number yet when I call it back, it says it's non-working...but it's working enough to tell me that it's not working? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Perplexed, I told my husband of the day's mysterious phone calls. Google searches tell us that the phone number that called me was THE ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW. So many people commenting on forums that say this is the number that called them when they received tickets to the show.

So, now I'm frustrated. I LOVE Ellen. She takes up like, 25% of my DVR b/c I tape her shows daily and then watch them all for hours on end. My husband "loves" it.

I've written Ellen several times. I've submitted funny photos, I've submitted stories about my mother, my sisters, people who deserve some her generosity. I've applied for tickets, giveaways, etc. I do it all. So I have no idea why they contacted me and I feel like I never will! And with her 12 Days of Giveaways coming up, I am even MORE frustrated!

Am I getting $10,000? Am I going to the show? Are we surprising my mom with a new car? WHAT IS GOING ON!

So, this is my official quest. Somebody out there has to have a connection to Ellen, right? Can we find out what's going on? Or at the very least, can someone call me and tell me that this was all a mistake and I don't get squat?


  1. Same thing happened to me!! I missed the call :( I was so mad. they never called me back. Hope they call you back & you get to go!!!

    1. Oh no! This does not give me hope! Such a tease :(


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