Women Tell All: Bachelor Recap

So...only a few thoughts on tonight's Women Tell All.

First things first: I love Catherine's new bangs. I don't love that we keep hearing about how she GOT banged. I hope these two leave the limelight sometime soon. (And until then, I'll continue shamelessly stalking them on Instagram.)

Was anyone else watching the segment with the Muppets thinking, "Deees esss not OK"? Seriously though: What.the.fuck. was that? With every one of these episodes it becomes so much more clear that JP's only intention in coming on this show was to "act." Why else would he star in a new M&Ms promotion every week, or in this insanely creepy Muppets preview? Then again, this is not the first time the muppets and ABC/The Bachelor have teamed up, so, I guess anything is possible.

Next, the women get into bashing Juan Pablo. In case you missed it, basically the girls all talk about how hot Wapolo is, but ultimately, they were all in agreement with what Andi said last week: JP was not interested in them. They took it a step further to say that he used his daughter as an excuse for his behavior, covered his being an asshole by saying he was being honest, and that he didn't play fair and likely didn't come there looking for a wife. So...what everyone has been tweeting, or if you're me, blogging about all season.

Sharleen, Renee and Andi all get in the hot seat and quite frankly, I was bored to tears with all of them. No one says anything new. Not even Renee, who I found out today is engaged! Told you she'd be OK.
I did think that Chris Harrison made an obvious revelation that Andi is the next Bachelorette by asking if she was single, open to find love and asking if she thought this process could work. Coy was never your strong suit, Chris Harrison.

Next our friend JuannyP gets the hot seat. Another interesting change to this season's setup? They didn't have JP do one-on-one's in the hot seat with any of his dearly departed. Probably because ABC knew that all these bitches would rip JP to shreds and that more than likely, JuanPablo wouldn't understand any of it.

So how did he spend his time? Making fun of the girls for making fun of him for being an idiot. He continued to laughingly tell them, "eees OK" and think it was cute. Kelly (love her) told him that he offended her for his homophobic comments earlier this year - they cut the part where she says it's because she was raised by two gay men. He told her that he wasn't going to "waste" four minutes talking about it but that he'd talk to her about it for a whole hour after the show. Finally, some one-on-one time!

He also says he doesn't understand why he shouldn't have met Renee's son because he introduces Camila to "everyone" as his friend. So, just so we are all on the same page: Juan Pablo wouldn't kiss girls on the show because he has a daughter and he doesn't want her to think badly of him, but he doesn't think twice about introducing her to all his lady friends and compounding that with lying to her about their relationship. In addition, he let Cassandra go because she was a mom and felt it was unfair to keep her around for that, and yet doesn't see the problem with going on a hometown with Renee, meeting her son and then letting her go.

And because it was too perfect not to include, ABC concludes the episode with Juan Pablo talking about his little package.

Until next week. Oh, the tears!

1 comment:

  1. lol this is awesome! I'm so glad I didn't watch this season.


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