New Look: Revealed!

So, I haven't written for a while because as you can see, I've made some changes around here. I didn't want to draw attention (or traffic) to the blog until I'd finished making the updates. But, since it's taking a little longer than I expected and I want to get back to writing, I'm just gonna show you guys around now!

It's been a few years since I updated the look of my blog, and I was itching for a change. While I loved the color and feel of my last blog, I was craving something a little more sophisticated and clean.

I ended up just buying a template from Etsy, which I've never done before. Usually I have someone custom design it for me. But I loved this template when I saw it, and it was more cost effective so I decided to go for it!

I love the cleaner, more mature look. But yet, not too stuffy. The grey, black and gold palette is a nice departure from my last color scheme. While I would love a soft pink addition somewhere, that will come in the next iteration.

The navigation is easy - you can still find all the ways to follow me on the side, and search the archives easily. A new addition is the labels on the right rail - you can click any of those to see related posts. Plus, at the top, you can navigate to some popular categories (which will be filled out more thoroughly eventually...a work in progress while I update labels now that they are a search function).

I'm also going to update the tagline, and make some adjustments so the photos on the home page are not so huge.

What do you guys think?

Liam turns 11 months old next week (WTF), and I've been having a LOT of emotions about him turning 1 in just 5 weeks. Expect lots of deep-dive mommy revelations as I cope with this HUGE milestone.

Wishing you safe and fun-filled weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great!! Haven't thought about an Etsy template before. Good call!


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