Mama Moment #2: Monkey See, Monkey Do

At 14 months, Liam is currently obsessed with doing everything we do. He wants to eat what we eat, drink what we drink (No, honey, this is Mommy's juice!), do what we do.

And it's adorable.

He helps take out the trash. He feeds us dinner. He puts away his clothes. And lately, he is SUPER into brushing his teeth and brushing his hair, as well as mine.

We have his little banana toothbrush that he uses, but when he sees us brushing our teeth in the morning, he now insists on using an adult toothbrush (we used a spare). We lift him up so he can put the brush under the faucet, and he then "brushes his teeth." AKA, he sucks water off the toothbrush. 

He does about 5-6 rounds of this before he sees me brushing my hair, and then he wants to brush my hair for me. How sweet is that?

And then he likes to go into brushing my teeth for me :)

My sweet little helper boy. Let's hope getting him to commit to hygiene is always this easy!


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