Mama Moment #1: A Shitty Morning

Becoming a mama is not only amazing - it makes for some great stories and a million awesome moments.

The storyteller in me is compelled to capture every moment - every giggle, every smile, every funny face and silly action, be it with my camera, a video, a SnapChat, or a blog.

But it's good to live in the moment, too. Just to let the moments happen and record them in your brain, for your eyes only, rather than sharing them for the world to be a part of.

I am so excited for the years to come with Liam. Yes, I know that toddlers bring a whole new set of challenges than a baby does, but bring them on, I say. Tantrums, candid comments, sweet gestures, unintentional comedy - I want it all! I know these years will bring with them so many things that I will never want to forget.

So this is my attempt at capturing those moments and memories. They may be sentimental, horrifying or hysterical. They're moments I never want to forget. I'll share them as they happen, and hope you'll do the same with me. In the spirit of other mamas doing the same on the Interwebs, we shall call these...Mama Moments.

Mama Moment #1

Bryan and I trade weekend days for getting up with Liam. On Sunday, it was my morning to sleep in. Sometime around 8:30am, Bryan came rushing into the room and with Liam in his arms, took him straight to the bath in our bathroom. I didn't have my glasses on, so I asked what was going on.

"I don't want to talk about it," he says.

I get up, go in the bathroom, and expecting to see Liam in puke or poop, I see the later. I go into Liam's room to see lay out some clean clothes. It's there I see the changing table cover is gone, and the pad underneath is covered in poop. But that's not all.

There is poop on the walls. On the crib rails. On the crib sheets. The floor is soaking wet. I stood there, stunned for a moment, and began to clean up. Bryan and Liam come back into the room.

I stood there, silently before asking..."What happened?"

Bryan explained that Liam had a blowout during breakfast and while changing him afterward, the poop got all over the changing table. So he put a naked Liam in his crib while he changed the pad and wiped things down.

Next thing he knew, Liam was standing up in his crib, and gleefully started peeing through the crib rails (hence the wet floor). Bryan went to get something to clean THAT up, he came back and noticed, in horror, that Liam had poop all over his feet, legs, hands, and crib. He had diarrhea...again, this time all over his crib.

And so we arrived at the moment in the bathroom. Thankfully, we were able to laugh at the moment, but let's be was a shitty morning.

(See what I did there?)


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