I'm 30 Tomorrow!

Good morning pretties! I have some time before my next dental appointment (aargh) and thought that since tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY, I'd do one last update on my 30 before 30 list.

Unfortunately, I know I didn't make all of these, but I'm OK with what I did get done!After all, I did just create this list in March. I'll add the remaining items to my 40 before 40 list and I'll have a whole decade to knock 'em down!

I'm actually really looking forward to tomorrow, and I've said before, I'm OK with turning 30. It can only get better, right? I feel like the 20s were all about chasing: money, a career, ambitions, love. And now, in my 30s, it will be about ENJOYING all of the things I've achieved in my 20s. BRING IT ON!

Without further adieu, here's where I landed on my list:

1. Complete a Tough Mudder  (Check it out!)
2. Lose 5 pounds (Wamp wamp.)
3. Read 50 books (Book blog coming soon!)
4. Start writing my own book (Nope. Damnit.)5. Reach 250 blog followers (I'm at 343 between Blogger and Bloglovin'!)
6. Get a promotion (I was promoted in July! And then I got a new job. :( )
7. Pay off all debt except mortgage (YES! We did this in May, thanks to a settlement I received from breaking my nose in a cab accident. Eased the pain a bit.)
8. Pay for someone's meal anonymously (No day like today!)
9. Travel to 5 new places 
(I completed this goal in Europe, but plan for several more trips before September!)
10. Eat something I'd never normally order
(Also achieved in Europe when I tried duck & veal liver. As in, the livers of both.)
11. Host a party (Check! I hosted a Blind Winetasting this spring!)
12. Be featured on Taylor's The Browse Blog (Still waiting...)
13. Redesign the blog (I love how it turned out!)
14. Be nominated for a Rock Star award at my company (I was! My co-worker Ana nominated me.)
15. Drink beer in Belgium (See here!)
16. Go to Green Bay Packer's game (Dad & family are taking me for my bday next weekend!)
17. Visit Ashley in California (We went in August! Read about it!)
18. Throw an amazing bachelorette party for my bestie(Get the recap!)
19. Go to 3 concert(some of the best!)
20. Cook 3-4 times per week (I think I averaged this)
21. Get a massage (CHECK! Done on our lovely anniversary trip!)
22. Paint something (Crap I never wrote this post.)
23. Make 2 new friends (My new co-workers!!)
24. Drink wine in wine country (We drank some in Malibu during our visit!)
25. Meet at least 2 bloggers in person (Dang!!)
26. Don't drink Diet Coke for a month 
(CHECK! Thanks, Lent!)
27. Disconnect from all social media for a weekend (Can't...do it)
28. Send one card to someone at least once/month, just because (Sure have!)
29. Buy new living room furniture (Can't wait to show you next week!)
30. Babies! (Technically, I want this to happen after 30...so no, no babies.)

Only 6 missing...not bad!!

I probably won't have time to update the blog this weekend. All of my friends are in town to help me celebrate and we will be busy! Tonight we are off to dinner and Second City, tomorrow is football watching and my birthday party, Sunday, who knows. It'll be quite the recap :).


  1. Welcome to the 30 club! I just turned 30 back in August. I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Congrats on all your achievements on your 30 by 30 list! You have inspired me to do a 40 by 40 list!

  2. Happy early birthday! I turned 30 back in March and so far it's treating me well!!

  3. I hope you have an amazing bday weekend, and I wish I could be there to enjoy it. BUT, so looking forward to next weekend in GB! love you

  4. Not to shabby you got a lot of this accomplished! You should be super proud, girl!!

  5. You got quite a bit accomplished, congrats!

  6. Hey, it looks like you accomplished a lot before 30! I should really make a list.. I have .. two and some years to go before my dirty 30..! I'll let you know if I actually make a list!
    Happy 30th- glad to hear you're not worried about it. I like that attitude:)


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